Qlippoth Spawn
Qlippoth-Spawn (the Motherless)
CR: By class level
Type: Outsider (native)
Environment: Any Land
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

No woman survives the birth of a babe whose qlippoth ancestry has emerged. At best, qlippoth-spawn rip their mothers apart during labor. At worst, they tear themselves out even earlier

Like their qlippoth forebears, the motherless instinctively despise mortals and their sins, but rather than turning them toward a path of virtue, such scorn instead drives qlippoth-spawn toward bitterness and cynicism. By their reckoning, hypocrisy and sin rule the mortal heart, and thus all mortals deserve little more than extinction. Jaded and leery loners, they see treachery and deceit behind every action, and prefer to stab others in the back before they themselves are betrayed. Perhaps because they have never felt the bond between a mother and her child, qlippoth-spawn are almost always incapable of love, trust, or affection.


The motherless always display their bizarre deformities at birth. Covered in barbed tentacles, oozing tumors, crudely shaped and stunted appendages, pieces of carapace, or other defects that seem more appropriate for insects and other lower life forms, those who survive their early years learn the true meaning of rejection.

One of the rarest of all the Tiefling heritages, the motherless tend to arise in clusters of half a dozen or so births occurring over roughly the same time period in a village or town. Such infestations are as quick to dissipate as they are to appear, and while somewhat more common near the Worldwound, such outbreaks are still infrequent.


The following are race traits for the motherless.

Repel Sin: You have an instinctive revulsion for the sins that led to the rise of demons and subsequent downfall of qlippoth. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws made against spells and effects with the evil descriptor.

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