Dwarven Waraxe


A dwarven waraxe has a large, ornate head mounted to a thick handle, making it too large to use in one hand without special training.

Description: Due to its size, a dwarven waraxe is an exotic weapon. A Medium character can use a dwarven waraxe two-handed as a martial weapon, or a Large creature can use it one-handed in the same way.

Racial Affinity: A dwarf treats a dwarven waraxe as a martial weapon even when using it in one hand.


These are the prices for this item when made with specific materials or enhancements.
Dwarven Waraxe Material Enhancements

Material Cost Hardness Hit Points Special
Steel $330 5 5 -
Adamantine $3,030 5 6 Bypass hardness less than 20
Iron, Cold $360 5 5 Magical enchantments cost an additional 2,000 gp.
Mithral $4,030 5 5 1/2 weight
Silver, Alchemical $420 5 5 −1 damage

1: The given costs include the masterwork component. The armor check penalties for masterwork armor and shields are lessened by 1.

Weapon Enhancements

Bonus Value Additional Cost Hardness Increase Additional HP
+1 $+2,000 +2 +10
+2 $+8,000 +4 +20
+3 $+18,000 +6 +30
+4 $+32,000 +8 +40
+5 $+50,000 +10 +50
+6* $+72,000 +12 +60
+7* $+98,000 +14 +70
+8* $+128,000 +16 +80
+9* $+162,000 +18 +90
+10* $+200,000 +20 +100

Increase total cost for magical enhancement by 2,000 gp for cold iron weapons.
Unlike the additional cost, the increase the weapon's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement bonus, not its special abilities.

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